Saturday, September 12, 2009

cucumber melon chicken salad.

I love to cook it make me unbelievably happy and today after watching iron chef america I had the idea to make this salad. I looked online for a recipe to follow but did not like any that I saw and so came up with this. It is insanely easy and delicious.


1/2 of a medium sized honey dew melon
1 large sweet red onion
3 cups diced chicken
1 cucumber
4 tablespoons dukes mayonnaise
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tea spoons rosemary
2 teaspoons basil

start off by coating your diced chicken in the olive oil spices and lemon juice. then saute them in a pan until golden brown. while the chicken cools down dice up your melon, cucumber,and onion. Once this is done mix all of your ingredients together with the mayo in a large bowl serve and enjoy!